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Ethnic Recipe and Meal Ideas
This site is designed to help you if you are looking for ethnic recipes or meal ideas from around the globe. You can search for a recipe (using the search box on the right) or use the drop down menus at the top of the page which include region, country, base ingredient or "pot luck"

Imperial Weights and Measures Conversion
Baking Conversion tables

Weights and Measures Conversions

This is a collection of the most commonly used terms in baking and cooking. It will help you convert weights and measures into those commonly used in your country.
Oven Temperature Conversion:

Celsius Fan Oven Farenheit Gas
130 110 250 1/2
140 120 275 1
150 130 300 2
160 140 325 3
180 160 350 4
190 170 375 5
200 180 400 6
220 200 425 7
220 200 425 7
230 210 450 8
240 220 475 9

Metric Imperial Weight Conversion:
(Grammes to pounds and ounces)
15g 1/2oz 250g 9oz
25g 1oz 275g 10oz
50g 2oz 300g 11oz
75g 3oz 350g 12oz
100g 3&1/2oz 375 13oz
125g 4oz 400g 14oz
150g 5oz 425 15oz
175g 6oz 450g 1 lb
200g 7oz 1kg 2lb 4oz
225g 8oz 1.8kg 4 lb

Metric Imperial Liquid Conversion table:

25ml 1 fl oz 350ml 12 fl oz
50ml 2 fl oz 375ml 13 fl oz
75ml 3 fl oz 400ml 14 fl oz
125ml 4 fl oz 425ml 15 fl oz
150ml 5 fl oz 450ml 16 fl oz
200ml 7 fl oz 500ml 18 fl oz
250ml 9 fl oz 600ml 1 pint
300ml 10 fl oz 1 litre 35 fl oz
325ml 11 fl oz 1.5 litres 2&1/4 pints

Food Guide (US terms for food)

As with all recipes which involve cooking and baking a sensible approach must be taken especially when dealing with warm or hot (temperature) ingredients. If you are unable to take due care, please do not attempt to make any of these recipes. All recipes are tried at your own risk.

For US to UK equivalents for food weights and measurements see this rough guide

Whilst these recipes may be freely used they may NOT be reproduced in any format (for example -electronic or paper based) without the website owners PRIOR agreement.